Are All Eye Care Professionals the Same?
Ophthalmologists, Optometrists, and Opticians. They all provide eye care to patients, but what is the difference in the services that they offer? Aren’t they all the same?
The quick answer is, no- ophthalmologists, optometrists, and opticians are not all the same! While they all play an important part in patients’ eye health, it is important to understand what each type of professional is qualified to do.
Ophthalmologists are physicians (doctors of medicine or doctors of osteopathy) who are medically trained specialists that are licensed to practice both medicine and surgery. They can diagnose, treat, and manage all eye and vision problems, perform eye surgery, as well as prescribe and fit eyeglasses and contact lenses.
Some ophthalmologists complete additional training within the sub-specialties of eye care; such as glaucoma, retina, cornea, oculoplastics, and others. This allows an ophthalmologist to focus on specific areas and conditions of the eye.
Optometrists are doctors of optometry who are licensed to provide certain aspects of eye care. They are primarily involved with diagnosing, treating, and managing vision changes. Optometrists can perform vision tests to determine visual acuity, prescribe and dispense corrective lenses, detect certain eye abnormalities, and prescribe medication for some eye diseases.
Opticians are professional ophthalmic dispensers who are licensed to prepare, measure, and fit eyeglass and/or contact prescriptions that are written by ophthalmologists or optometrists. They can also repair and replace the lenses and/or frames.
During May’s Healthy Vision Month, it is imperative to recognize the importance of making informed choices regarding your eye care, and to see the right eye care professional for your needs. Giliberti Eye and Laser Center is proud to provide patients with an integrative eye care approach by working closely with fellow ophthalmologists, optometrists, and opticians!